Case Study

Uxbridge College – Hayes Campus Redevelopment – fire strategy report

April 27, 2011 12:00 am

LWF was appointed to provide fire safety and fire engineering services to the proposed construction of the Hayes Campus redevelopment for Uxbridge College. LWF reviewed the design, provided a fire strategy report, analysis of tender returns in relation to fire safety strategy.

Key Facts:

Client: Uxbridge College

Project Managers: Drivers Jonas

Architect: Sheppard Robson

Approximate Size: 11,500 m2

Description of the Project:

The Hayes campus building is located at Coldharbour Lane on the site of Uxbridge College. The building comprises a 1920s building and an extension dating from 1998. The Hays campus comprises  dance studios, drama studios, stores, workshop, hair and beauty salons, health and social care classrooms, refectory, kitchen, restaurant, common rooms, employer’s service areas and LTC/IT suite.  The building is designed with balconies and corridors which overlook a central atrium.

LWF Involvement:

LWF were appointed to provide fire safety and fire engineering services to the proposed construction of the Hayes Campus redevelopment for Uxbridge College. The key services provided include:

• Attend orientation and design team meetings;

• Review design work to date and access compliance with all relevant statutory requirement;

• Produce fire strategy report to achieve approval;

• Liaison with approval authorities to achieve approval in principle;

• Undertake analysis of tender returns with particular regards to fire safety strategy for input into the tender report produced by the client’s manager.





For further information regarding this project or the services that LWF provide please contact:

Peter Gyere – Marketing Manager

Lawrence Webster Forrest

Legion House

Lower Road


Surrey CR8 5NH

TEL: +44 (0)20 8668 8663

FAX: +44 (0)20 8668 8583


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