Case Study

Middlesex University – Hendon Development Phase III – Means of Escape

August 9, 2010 12:00 am

LWF provided fire engineering services at the design stage of Phase III of the Middlesex University Hendon development, which comprises three stand alone campus blocks. A detailed Fire Strategy report was also produced including means of escape modelling, passive and active fire safety systems and the provision of fire compartmentation plans.

Key Facts:

Client: Middlesex University

Architect / Lead Consultant: BPR Architects

Approximate Size: 15,460m2

Description of the Project:

Phase III of the Middlesex University Hendon development comprises of three stand alone campus blocks ranging from two to five storeys at different points. The buildings will be used as accommodation for departments from the School of Arts and Education. The Phase III development will be connected via a link bridge located along the western side of the site. The building comprises teaching facilities, seminar rooms, café zone, multifunctional space, 3D animation room, printing facilities, offices. Two atria are also provided within the main building and separated by a circulation space.

LWF Involvement:

LWF are appointed to provide fire safety and fire

engineering services to the project including the production of the Fire Strategy Report for the proposed new building.

The key services include:

• Review preliminary drawings and provide fire

engineering solutions to potential design issues;

• Produce detailed fire strategy report for the

proposed development to cover all aspects of fire

safety including means of escape, passive and active

fire safety systems and access and facilities for the

fire service;

• Provide compartmentation plans for the proposed


• Support the design team throughout the design

stages and provide comments where necessary

on design changes;

• Liaise with approval authorities for fire safety approval

of the scheme.



For further information regarding this project or the services that LWF provide please contact:

Peter Gyere – Marketing Manager

Lawrence Webster Forrest

Legion House

Lower Road


Surrey CR8 5NH

TEL: +44 (0)20 8668 8663

FAX: +44 (0)20 8668 8583


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