Case Study

Bournemouth Pavilion Gardens – Fire Safety, Fire Engineering design

April 28, 2011 12:00 am

A five story leisure complex was proposed to house a casino, retail outlets, restaurants, external terrace, multi-screen cinema and ancillary accommodation at the spiral level. LWF was appointed to provide fire safety engineering services for the shell and core design stages.

Key Facts:

Client: Trevor Osborne Property Group

Architect: CZWG

Approximate: Size: 22,500 m2

Description of the Project:

The project involves the development of a leisure complex.  The pavillion is a multi-storey structure with three levels above ground (including a spiral level) and two levels of underground car park.  This development will provide a unique architectural contribution to one of Bournemouth’s principal tourism and leisure destinations.  The building comprises casino, retail outlets, restaurants, external terrace, multiscreen cinema and ancillary accommodation at the spiral level.

LWF Involvement:

LWF were appointed to provide fire safety engineering services for the shell and core

design stages. The key services provided include:

• Review project information;

• Liaison and co-ordination with Design Team;

• Advise the Design Team of fire safety issues associated with the developed scheme;

• Prepare design options for satisfactory resolutions;

• Produce a Fire Strategy Report;

• Propose fire engineered solutions to compensate the non compliance at basement levels;

• Attend meetings with approving authorities to gain conceptual approval to fire safety strategy assumptions and detail.





For further information regarding this project or the services that LWF provide please contact:

Peter Gyere – Marketing Manager

Lawrence Webster Forrest

Legion House

Lower Road


Surrey CR8 5NH

TEL: +44 (0)20 8668 8663

FAX: +44 (0)20 8668 8583


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